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钼都利豪国际饭店 http://www.mudu-leeroyalhotel.com/
洛阳钼都利豪国际饭店,洛阳,洛阳旅游,洛阳住宿,旅馆,酒店预订,预订酒店,宾馆预订,预订宾馆,Leeroyalhotel.mudu,Luoyang Travel,Luoyang Accommodation,Hotel,Hotel Booking,Booking Hotel
钼都利豪国际饭店是由洛阳栾川钼业集团股份有限公司按照国家五星级标准投资兴建的商务型饭店,由香港利园酒店管理集团管理。饭店位于洛阳市政治、金融、文化和商务中心洛南新区,紧邻风景怡人的南湖音乐喷泉,交通极为便利,是商务、差旅、城市观光的绝佳下榻之所。Lee Royal hotel Mudu, a business hotel built and invested by Molybdenum Industry Group of Luoyang on national standards of five star hotel, and managed by Lee Garden Hotel Management Group, is located in the political, financial, cultural and business center of Luoyang, With extremely convenient traffic. It is the best accommodation for business travelers and tourists.